This is the third and final post in a series developing our mission statement: Promoting healthy food choices for all budgets by highlighting the nutritional value and sustainability of non-organic agriculture. We pursue ethics in agriculture by making food available to everyone.
A Home for All
We know that with privilege comes responsibility. It is an enormous privilege for us to enjoy this beautiful planet and all the living things that call it home. Even with the confusion and controversy surrounding environmental issues, we know one thing for sure: we have a responsibility to preserve the earth and it’s resources for the next generation.
new growth
Preparing for the Future
Connecting City to Farm sees agriculture professionals proactively preparing to receive the 9.5 billion people who will live here by 2050, and we want to spread the word to others who can follow in their courageous footsteps. We all have a contribution, however small it may be, to enrich the opportunities for future generations. As Sam Whitaker says, "It's the right thing to do."
Who Can Meet the Challenge?
If Certified Organic farmers were called upon to provide food for the world’s entire population, we would loose a huge percentage of current forests, wetlands, prairies, and other natural wildlife habitats and suffer under astronomical food costs. A significantly larger portion of land is required to grow and harvest Certified Organic crops because more of the yield is lost due to insect damage and low levels of nutrients in the soil from weed competition.
flooding a rice field photo credit: Morgan Baugh
More for Less
Non-organic crops are more sustainable for the environment than Certified Organic crops because it takes fewer natural resources like land and water to produce the same amount of yield. Under strict regulations and accountability, non-organic farmers are allowed to use pesticides that protect their crops from weeds and insects.
a carefully measured application being loaded into an ag plane
Follow the Prescription
“Are these pesticides safe?” you may ask. Absolutely. They are safe. In the same way that patients follow the carefully researched, tested and specifically prescribed dosages on their medications, farmers follow FDA regulations regarding pesticide applications. If they don’t, they will face serious legal consequences that jeopardize their businesses.
a bountiful rice harvest
Increased Yield
By responsibly applying herbicide, non-organic farmers can control the weeds that compete with their crops for valuable nutrients found in the soil. Reasonable amounts of insecticides can be used, only when necessary, to decrease costly damage from insects allowing the majority of yield to be preserved for consumption.
family on the farm
Family Farms Take On the Challenge
As the Agriculture Professionals from Whitaker Farms, Miles Farms and most other family farming operations will assure you, farmers are the ones who are most concerned about preserving and protecting our environment. They are hopeful about strategically meeting the challenges ahead, and they are daily taking on the responsibility to leave the earth ready for the next generation to enjoy.